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International Vision of the Charity Medical Foundation & IT Inc., Abroad.(subject to updates)

Build History and make an impact

For those who want to build history by making difference in people lives as here at home; helping Disables, including children, poor families,schools and hospitals abroad; you can participate through the organization by clicking the following icon 

NB: The above program is only made to meet the assigned goals indicated in compliance with contract regulations.

As the Charity Med Found & IT Inc.,is planning to be part of the changing world in this challenging time, Our founder had decided to set a plan in which the entire world would see as a great realization never done in the history of our modern civilization.

Therefore, the Charity Med Found IT Inc., is establishing a representation in those countries referred as Third-World Countries in the continents of Africa

Which are in needs of basic materials needed for medical, education and socioeconomic issues they are facing daily, where children and disables individuals don't have opportunities to show their talents and to make the world a better place to live and these countries are: DRC (Congo), Cameroon,Gabon, Malawi, Mozambique,Tanzania, Rwanda, Kenya etc..), South America( Peru, Equator, Panama Etc..), Caribbean( Haiti, etc..) and East Asia ( Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, etc...) where the foundation intent to build infrastructures consisting of Maternal schools, Elementary schools, High schools , Vocational schools ( Nursing and Technical ), Health care Centers, Sport complex ( Soccer, Basket Ball, Swimming, etc...), Churches and Internal Dorms ;in which students would be learning their careers field include Sport (Football, Basket Ball , Volley ball etc..) of their choice and also Music in which only children of low income families of any age and gender would attend.

Charity Med Found School donation in Africa-Cameroon.

We'll also include international Housing Program affordable to low income families with an exchange to give some volunteering time for the construction of the house, and a little additional time with the foundation programs.The Charity Med Found & IT Inc. is working along with companies like Habitat for humanity to help the people with

more needs around the world.

Fight against Global Warming is a very important issue in the world right now and the Charity Med Found & IT Inc. is working along with others organizations and the US government to solve the crisis. An idea that our organization in working on; is to present a plan to enable the big industrialize nations to option themselves more with natural energy like solar, wind, clean cold, bio-fuels and many more to decrease that impact of the actual sources of energies most of those industrialize countries use to save our planet against diseases, poverty and rising climate change around the world.That initiative would be an action for the changing world and for future generation, that's why the Charity Med Found & IT Inc. is working hard to improve the quality of life around the world through these third-world countries more impacted by the crisis.

Recognition by the Head of a medical facility

in Cameroon after the humanitarian gesture

of the Charity Med Found, 2009

he purposes of this vision, is to educate those children on the scale of the International education system so that, they can be competitive with international requirements for the changing world; And also , we' ll put in place a scholarship program for Talents students in any educational programs to travel overseas for educational specialization.The main goal of this vision, is to promote economic, social and cultural development in those parts of the known world for a better life to those who cannot afford one dollar a day.

Our education would also include the fight against Malaria, HIV and AIDS, Sexual Transmitted Diseases, Tuberculosis , Yellow Fever and Cancer and Polio in all those Third World-Countries in all educational programs and also through sessions and seminars as the foundation is doing at the present time include Researches. To be part of the changing world for future to come, Please feel free to contact us or make your donation to bring a difference in children life around the world; Those who are orphans, disables, dying because lack of proper health care, foods and place to live. Your Action would Make a difference.

Clean Water Initiative

The Charity Med found & It Inc. has put in place a mechanism of helping Poor urban communities in Africa , South America and Asia through the process of helping them acquire clean and pure water by furnishing filters and educative event accessible to all individuals living in these communities to fight digestive infection, fever and many more.The organization is Looking forward to receive help from all of you to make a world a better place to live.

Global Program to Promote International Labor Standards

This effort is to support workers through advocacy groups from many of these neglected countries also known as Third-World Countries, to support worker's efforts to organize a democratic labor unions and received all the benefits they are entitle based on international labor standards and the rule of law.

Global Anti-poverty Initiative

The main philosophy of the Foundation is to put in place programs as indicated and mentioned earlier to fight against poverty in the US and around the world by implementing programs involving educations and training, fighting HIV and AIDS and others diseases like Polio and Malaria, clean water program and clean energy program; so that individuals from third World Countries can be empowered to live a better lifestyle with an increase of the Median Class. .

Global Eco-Climate Initiative

The program is made to protect the ecosystem by preventing deforestation;Knowing that in most third World countries like in Africa where there is nine months of summer and three months of rain, a Solar system can be explored through solar panels; without forgetting that the wind can also be explored through wind system, to create a more cleaner efficient energy less costly for low income families such as electricity and also to reduce pollution.A campaign of planting more trees in urban and rural areas to balance our ecosystem.

Promote conservation of the ecosystem by encouraging recycling and the used of natural materials to decrease diseases from chemicals exposure in the States and around the world.

Action To Help Haiti

your action of Donation would help the people of Haiti who are suffering at this moment very badly from a very intense earthquake after their recent Hurricane, a nation where an average person live with less than $1.00 a day and the poorest in the western world, it's very difficult to accept the situation; but this is the reality we must all be involve and help the people of Haiti, Come and Joint The UN, Red Cross, President Barack Obama, Former Pres. Bill Clinton and George W Bush initiative, Wyclef and Others to join the disaster relief team; and help the people of Haiti through your Donations and Support.


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