Charity Med Found & IT Inc...
CMFIT Philanthropy
To a Generous World, We Lead... Generosity= Hope, So Let us Work Together

The Charity Medical Foundation & IT, Inc., is a Not-for-Profit Organization with a 503(c)3 status; so any participation and contribution are tax exempt. All contribution would be reported to the IRS accordingly. To assure proper delivery of your givens, please send your correspondences through certified mail to or donate directly by clicking the E-payment icon above:
Charity Med Found & It Inc.
CMFIT Global Philanthropy
ATT: Lasting Purpose Initiative
716 Decatur Court
Cincinnati, Ohio 45240
CMFIT Global Philanthropy Information Verification
Status: 501 (c)(3)/Incorporated
State ID: X73489X
TIN/EIN: XX-3203780
NPI: X10415337X
DUNS: X0842833X
X is used for information privacy and confidentiality
If you want to make a difference in your life, giving a donation of any amount; to the men , women and kids around the world who don't have nothing to eat, any clothes to wear, no education and proper healthcare; can at least change their life to see a brighter future. Charity Medical Foundation & IT Inc., have that main goal to assist those who don't have to believe in hope which would drive them to their dreams.

He is waiting for your action,and need a smile , He have hope that one day it will be better because Charity medical foundation would make sure that their life is more better through your participation.Your willing and faith would make a big difference to this person. He need you in your prayer and your action: assistance.

Your gesture would help many of the refugees to have a place to sleep, to be out of the cool. by your Donation,you will change many people life and mental health. the smile of many men and women include children, will bring hope to their life, they knows that Charity med foundation have brought to them a spirit that would drive them to a brighter future.But that goal will never be achieved if you don't make an action through your help.

the smile those disables orphans have, will bring a plus to their life, they knows that Charity med foundation have brought to them a spirit that would drive them to a brighter future.But that goal will never be achieved if you don't make an action through your participation.

Your action would help many of the disables to have a place to sleep because the world is the way it this and the way it shouldn't be,so through your generosity they would be out of the cool and safe. by your action,you will change many people life and mental need.

Through education children can hope for a better future. Just by looking this picture, we can see how those kids are happy; because of your action. Make your voice be heard through the Globe, and Charity Medical Foundation & IT Inc., is there to make it happen,and by your assistance, will bring hope to those kids who are just waiting for you.