Charity Med Found & IT Inc...
CMFIT Philanthropy
To a Generous World, We Lead... Generosity= Hope, So Let us Work Together


The level of service at Charity Med Found & IT Inc. is fantastic. Having been a customer for many years, I am consistently impressed by the professionalism of every staff member I have come in contact with. Thank you!”
Mr. John and Mrs. Debrah.

In this day, it’s hard to find a company you can trust. Charity Med Found & IT Inc. was recommended to me by a friend, and now I know why – the quality of service I received was outstanding. Keep up the good work!”
Mr. Greg and Mrs. Kelly.

Charity Med Found & IT Inc.,did helped refugees-children and their families who flee from Darfur to Chad due to the political instability by sending foods, Clothes and medications for their needs and are negotiating with the Government of Cameroon the neighbor country to let those refugees- children and their parents to migrate in Cameroon where they can be more secure to receive a proper care by one of our Network base in Cameroon.

just by looking the smile of the people of Darfur, we can see a change an individual can make and bring hope": Said a Reporter of Des Journalists sans Frontieres and also Quote " CHARITY MED FOUND is the Hope of Africa and the rest of the World" .

By your action, this young boy had a better life, his family have had thank Charity Medical Foundation & IT Inc., through their action to bring a brighter future to their young son and also hope to their family to drive their dreams farther for years to come.
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