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Representation of the Charity Medical Foundation & IT Inc. Through the United State of America and around the World.

To be part of the changing world, join our team to this global fight against poverty, mistreatment of children around the world by representing the Charity Med Found & IT Inc as Ambassador to promote the vision of the foundation and also a philosophy that would turn the world positively in the coming future because progress can only be achieved to a realization of hopes that we, the Charity medical Foundation & IT Inc.,represent.

you can also serve as a Volunteer Or Partnership to help our community here in the united state of America by contacting us to sign your name to deliver our mission in the communities.And also for information about employment, if you are willing to make a difference in people life and are interested in this type of world , feel free to contact our main office for more information.

And by signing in , there would be a winning price as shown below, Charity Med Found & IT Inc. is waiting and willing to work with you.

If you want to join our great team as a Partner,Member, an Ambassador, or as a Volunteer, feel free to fill the forms below and email it to us at or send it via mail at

Charity Med Found & IT Inc.

Att: Human Resources

2523 C Walden Glen Cir

Cincinnati, Ohio 45231


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